Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Unravelled Revelry

People who have been around me much over the last year or so know I am really into the up-cycled materials thing.  I have always been a reduce, reuse, recycle type of person, but with my weaving I have really gotten into sweater yarn.  Knowing I can take a sweater from the thrift shop and turn it into something completely different is really wonderful.  However I have also learned to check my materials better.  found this heavily textured sweater in cream that looked like it would really come out as large output yarn.  unfortunately I didn't have a magnifier with me to check the seams that day.  so I get this sweater home with the other 6 and start to pull it apart.  up that's right it was a "cut and sew" variety of sweater  that means, not back and forth knitting, every row is its own strand of yarn.  longest piece was 4 feet long at full stretch.  grrrrr.

oh well right?  I can't really use it for weaving because most of my weaving is on warps longer than 6 feet.  then I thought well,  we drum, we dance, we have the "used camel salesman" in our house, so what would be more appropriate than tassels?  HA!  I have it!  this was my light bulb moment, my eureka. and all started with looking at my homemade swift with the draping of the sweater all over it.  bundle, wrap, and tie and here we go!